Saturday, August 16, 2008

An Update at Last.. OMFG!!

wow.. its been long since I've update my blog.. let me see.. the last post is on 23JUNE!!! OMFG!! hmm I think I'm not that suitable to write a blog huh? lolz.. but anyway.. I'll try to update often.. so recently i've been very busy. I am currently the OC for AISEC's LLDS 2008 which stands for Local Leadership Development Seminar. fuhuhu.. sounds cool huh? but now they change to a better name ASPIRE 2008. cool~ The event will be held at Tropical Village, Ayer Hitam on 22th Aug to 24th of Aug 2008. I'm sure it will be a blast.. Anyone interested still can join in before 21th!! come come

Im not goin back to holiday this break.. sigh.. busy busy.. Its actually a freaking study week if you ask me! Tons of exam will be on the day after this week holiday. ~.~|| Guess I have to work harder.. no more DoW:DC, DotA, DMC3, FF9 until after exam! lolz. Actually its just bullshit. The day I'm not playing games is the day where you can see the sun come out from the west and set on the east. >.<

So happy holiday to everyone who can go back and gambateh to those who are studying for exam. Oh before forgot, gambateh to those who are performing for "Ji E Shan Shi".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Best OC team! Best OC!!! :D