Saturday, July 4, 2009

Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen

Finally I get to watched Transoformer 2 after spending RM42.50! Lolz.. why is that so? Long story, well I initially planned to watch on last saturday but I need to receive an intern from taiwan for AIESEC UTM project CRRA ( Crossed Red Ribbons Alert ). His plane arrived at Singapore Changi at 12pm and I predicted he will arrived at Malaysia Custom at 3pm at most! So thats why I bought the tickets for the both of us since my friend will be booking the tickets the night before that. I waited from 2.30pm until 5pm at Malaysia Ambassy doing NOTHING and I miss my show so the total i lost is RM22. I asked him why is he that late and he told me he took a wrong MRT. Fine, since I did not ask him before this if he wants to watch the movie which I wanted to and waited for him to check his god damn mail or online through skype continuously few days before which he dint.. so.. meh.. just my luck..

Then I ask my friend to park his car in the shopping complex itself since it is more convenient to put the intern bag into the car once he arrived and we can watch the movie comfortably. FAILED!! since he arrived late, the point of parking the car there is gone. Parking inside the shopping complex cost me RM10 where RM2 per hour. There are some other parking near the shopping complex which only cost RM4 per ENTRY! so.. meh..

Today I took a bus to City Square and the bus where I am riding had an accident with another car. Gosh, the bus had to pull an emergency brake and still able to ram the car which almost went into the drain. Thank god there is no car following tightly on the ass of the bus especially lorry which are able to ram the bus and the bus will flip 780 degree throwing off everyone out of the window and the bus flipped and end up on the opposite side of the highway and other cars will ram the bus to pieces while there are cars manage to evade the bus through the pedestarian street and ram some other innocent passerby that are in shock of the bus accidents. poor passerby... lolz.. back to what I am saying is I guess i'm lucky but I need to spend RM3.50 for this bus and I need to pay RM2 to get another bus to continue on my way to CS... so.. meh..

Reached CS grabbed the RM7 tickets and that was about it. Thanks to IK for having this event. =)

Back to the movie... IT ROCKS!! HELL YEAH!!

Ok. This movie just became one of my all time favourite movie.

Final Fantasy Advent Children
Lord of the Ring Trilogy
Pirates of the Carribean
Harry potter
Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen <-- there you go boy.. sit.. good boy!

swt.. xD

Aight.. I never realised Transformer was soooo coooooool!! lolz man the way they transform are so slick! Action moves are combo-action-cool-godlike. Fighting movements are waay better than Gundam =p. I had to deny myself from going to the toilet just so that I wont miss a single moment of the movie. Just imagine 2 hour and 30 minits with a cup of coke and a full blasting air-con = waterfall after the movie.. lolz xD

If your just looking for some fun action packed movie, you wont be dissapointed.

Aight, no point for guessing which movie that I am eagerly waiting for next...



Friday, July 3, 2009

Last Day of Internship

Woohoo, today is my last day here in this office where i'm sitting now. It is a bit boring but overall I did manage to learn some new things MYSELF. =)

On the bright side, I manage to fully utilize the fast Internet line, namely a few Linux OS (openSUSE 4+ GB & Mandriva.Spring.01 4+ GB), few *ahem* games and many other useful softwares. =p

One thing I hate about this intership is NO ALLOWANCE & NO AIRCON. You cannot imaging how it is to be sweating at the end of each day! really swt..

I guess I'll miss this company.. NOT!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm still alive

Just to let you guys know.. if anyone is reading at all.. lolz.. I'm still alive..

But it has been a hectic semester for me.. I don't have time to even sleep anymore.. but then again.. my time management is really bad.. so can't blame anyone thou.. =)

I'll be having my practical here in Johore as well.. save cost and time. Sorry to all my friends at my hometown.. looks like I won't be meeting up with you guys untill the end of the year.. hmph =(

Always look at the bright side (if there is any for this matter)..

15minutes before going to my Web Programming class.. so gotta go~ chiouz

Monday, December 15, 2008

MyLDS 08 : Youthshakers - Shaking today, Shaping tomorrow

MyLDS 08' : Youth Shakers just finished!! What can I say about this event? Hmmm..


xD OK OK.. maybe I hype a little bit but it was certainly a one time experience you cannot forget. There are some OMFGBBQ Godly moments you will always remember and smiles when you think about it in the future as what I am doing right now =]

The excitement and atmosphere were very high on the very first day until the last day and it was really something to shout or rather shake about. lolz. I really learn a lot from the planning and management part. I think it somehow manage to change abit of myself and the way I think. haha.. Is it a good change or a bad change? well we'll just have to wait and see i guess.

Oh if anyone wondering what I was wearing for Chic & Mod... tada..

Thank you!! Yee Khai for lending me your shirt and the cot.. Love it.. haha.. it does not fit the theme.. but who cares as long as it looks nice n glamor.. hehz

Seriously there are alot of moments that I love to talk about.. just don't know which to blog about.. sigh sometimes too much is not a good thing too. HA my expectation!!

1. Meet 100 new friends *beeeepp FAIL* (I think I only manage to know around 10 new friends.. sigh)
2. Hyperactive *beeeeeeepppp Major FAIL* (sigh this is the part I always struggle about.. that is why I fail no 1.. DAMN WTF WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME???)
3. Learn something new *Triingg PASS* ( I somehow can see a bit of myself in the future ;) )

The best moment of MyLDS was certainly the RACE08' when LC UTM was announce the TOPGUN during Fadli's year. IT was the moment of the year! It was a touchy, excited and happy and fulfillment and joy and etc etc * insert all sort of happy things here *.. sigh very hard to describe the feeling.. I really salute those guys *salute* except that time I was having a hard time adjusting my feeling. I was happy, excited, sad and disappointing at the time.. lolz. cant really describe it.. internal conflict that when I have the time I will tell you guys le. =]

The funniest moment - Its the host(nick) for the night activity *waaaa "slap"* game.. haha ( I forgot the name ). It was a LAUGH OUT LOUD even though it was a bit cruel. >.>

I like to tell it in person le so anyone still want to know more about the experience then ask me in person when you see me la. maybe i'll write more in the future when I remember something really cool. =]

So some of those guys don't know what am I talking about or what is MyLDS or RACE? Well it all comes to the organization called AIESEC. If you want to know more about it then feel free to message me or drop me a comment. =]

Oh and I take this opportunity to thanks you GUYS from the MNC especially my own LC UTM EB!! who else? erm if you think you're that person then yeah.. thank you! xD

Friday, November 28, 2008


Dry spell again for my Blog.. hehz.. Anyway MyLDS is my next event on 2 Dec to 10 Dec.. 9 days event.. w00t..

Still preparing for the event. Packing shirts and stuffs.. sigh.

Normal Clothes.. *check*
Traditional clothes.. nope.. *not check*
Chic & Mod clothes.. wtf?

It means casual.. contemporary and FASHIONABLE!! GODLIKE!! Seriously, itsssss ssooooooo not me.. OMG Please someone help me... kill me... I want a refund!!!! Damn where can i get fashions like these??

Well whatever fits i'll just mix and match! Cant do much really.. 'cuz I'm not really that fashionable if anyone notice. >.>

Sigh.. whatever it is.. next is the stories and happenings during MyLDS ya.. keep reading =]

Friday, October 31, 2008

So where have I been?

Aihz.. you guys must be thinking what kind of bullshit blog le.. never update and only put songs and lyrics.. lolz. I'm sorry but the lyrics that I post is for easy reading for myself and to make my blog more content. =p

So what am I doing these days? Hmm.. just finish DoTA spree yesterday! omg.. from evening they knock on my door n nudge me to wake me up from my afternoon nap. This guy named Sean said "wei.. wake up.. all takei lo.. need ur room" ... swt so from evening 5pm untill 3am. Thats exactly 10 freaking hour! w00t!

And I thought that I'm gonna be hardworking during my study week to work on my subjects for final that starts on 4th Nov 2008 !! gg lor this time.. This sem seems like all the subject also dint quite entered my brain! what am I doing again??? I ask myself AGAIN every sem!!! lolz.. some things just never change do they? ;)

Not much things happen for the past few months except a particular "Black Day" where that day really shuay ah! All the accident happens on that day man.. few le.. 2 of my friends had an accident on the motorcycle while 1 of them had them twice! dunno what the hell happen.. Then there is the incident where my friends car broke down on our way out to Taman Uni to have our lunch. Life cant get this interesting nia~ =)

So wish me all the best for my Final!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jay Chou - Dao Xiang Pin Yin Lyrics

Ah.. who would have thought he would write such a meaningful lyrics.. lolz. All this while I thought he was just singing craps.. hey! my bad.. my bad.. =p This explained why so many people loves him so much! ~.~

Jay Chou - Dao Xiang MV with meanings (youtube)

Dao Xiang
Fragrant Rice

PinYin Version:

dui zhe ge shi jie ru guo ni you tai duo de bao yuan

die dao le jiu bu gan ji xu wang qian zou

wei shen me ren yao zhe me de cui ruo duo luo

qing ni da kai dian shi kan kan

duo shao ren wei sheng ming zai nu li yong gan de zou xia qu

wo men shi bu shi gai zhi zu

zhen xi yi qie jiu suan mei you yong you

huan ji de ni shuo jia shi wei yi de cheng bao

sui zhu dao xiang he liu ji xu ben pao

wei wei xiao xiao shi hou de meng wo zhi dao

bu yao ku rang ying huo chong dai zhu ni tao pao

xiang jian de ge yao yong yuan de yi kao

hui jia ba hui dao zui chu de mei hao

bu yao zhe me rong yi jiu xiang fang qi

jiu xiang wo shuo de

zhui bu dao de meng xiang huan ge meng bu jiu de le

wei zi ji de ren sheng xian yan shang se

xian ba ai tu shang xi huan de yan se

xiao yi ge ba gong cheng ming jiu bu shi mu di

rang zi ji kuai le kuai le zhe cai jiao zuo yi yi

tong nian de zhi fei ji

xian zai zhong yu fei hui wo shou li

suo wei de na kuai le

chi jiao zai tian li zhui qing ting zhui dao lei le

tou zhai shui guo bei mi feng gei ding dao pa le

shei zai tou xiao ne

wo kao zhu dao cao ren chui zhu feng chang zhu ge shui zhu le

Oh! Oh! wu hou ji ta zai chong ming zhong geng qing cui

Oh! Oh! yang guang sa zai lu shang jiu bu pa xin sui

zhen xi yi qie jiu suan mei you yong you

huan ji de ni shuo jia shi wei yi de cheng bao

sui zhu dao xiang he liu ji xu ben pao

wei wei xiao xiao shi hou de meng wo zhi dao

bu yao ku rang ying huo chong dai zhu ni tao pao

xiang jian de ge yao yong yuan de yi kao

hui jia ba hui dao zui chu de mei hao

Chinese Version:

English Translations:

Why does human so fragile

If you have too many complain in this world

Once fall down, you won't have a courage to move forward

Please switch on the TV and watch

How many people try hard and brave to move forward just because of living

Shouldn't we feel enough

Treasure what you have now, even you have nothing you actually own everything.

Remember back then you said home is the only castle

Fragrance rice, as the river continue flowing

Slightly smile, dream of childhood, I know

Don't cry, let firefly bring you running.

Forever rely on village folk song

Go home, back to the beginning of beauty

Don't give up so fast

Like what I said

The dream you can't achieve, just exchange it, you got it

Let you life coloured brightly.

First, let paint the love with favourite colour

Smile, become famous not the purpose

Let yourself happy, is more meaningful

Childhood paper plane

Finally, now fly back to my hand

So called happiness

Barefoot on (rice)field, catch dragonfly until tired

Pluck fruit, scared being sting by bee

Who, laughing, woollen cloth

I lean against the scarecrow/straw man, blow by the wind, singing and then sleep

Oh! Oh! Afternoon guitar accompany by insect singing make it more melodious

Oh! Oh! Sunlight shine on the road, don't worry heart will broken

Treasure what you have now, even you have nothing you actually own everything

Remember back then you said home is the only castle

Fragrance rice, as the river continue flowing

Slightly smile, dream of childhood, I know

Don't cry, let firefly bring you running.

Forever rely on village folk song

Go home, back to the beginning of beauty.