Monday, June 23, 2008

Time flies..

13 more days to go!! omg.. time really do flies when your having fun! sigh..

So what did I do over this semester break? Letme see.. sleeping, eating, yamcha (drinking mamak), watching football!! woohoo EURO FEVER! takei (going cybercafe) and more takei!! going pasar malam, shopping.. haha looks like I did not waste my holiday at all.. ok, not entirely =p

I think i am starting to miss my studying life. lolz. I'm not joking! Life is like that, if you do not do something for a long time, you will be missing it. Later when your studying, you will be thinking of holidaying! ftw!

Recently I went GENTING HIGHLAND with friends. It was fun as usual. Still as cold as it should be at night. I am 21 so guess what?? I'm eligible to enter the CASINO!! woohoo!! The gambling scene was.. packed. Played a few games mainly jackpot and baccarat. All my friends won. I won too. I won RM1. No, its not a typo error. I won RM1. lolz =D

Next destination!! Maison Clubbing.. wahaha

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

18th Inter-Varsity Council Camp

Recently I went to a camp. NO, not those outdoor camping where you sleep inside a tent. Thou I miss those St.John outdoor camp dearly~~ sigh. love and miSs those days. This is more like a convention to me. Its a 18th Inter-Varsity Council Camp. Sounds cool huh?

Well I'm not too keen to go to this camp actually, but my friend asked me to go so.. just go ba!
Well, took a KTM alone and reach the Kajang KTM station. They told me there will be waiting there but I don't seem to see anyone around. Then i notice some guy wearing BLACK shirt with PINK color and with Chinese words on it. You just knew its a typical camp shirt. ;)

During the Ice Breaking, it was actually an event for me and my friends to see if there are any leng lui participate. lolz. Well.. there are fews.. but I do particularly set an eye for this girl. You just know it when you lay your eyes on her. Well, in the end, she became the guy's girl in the camp if u know what i mean. Everyone wants a piece of her so I just end up dint even say hi to her. F*CK! Suan le ba.

The activities that they organize was quite ok. I was assign to a group name CHOCOLATE. >.<"
charming. It was lead by a girl. Lolz. Its been long since I become a member of a group 'cuz its either I organize the camps or I am a leader or assistant leader for a group. xD
Anyway her leadership was ok except she gave everyone a number so when any number is missing, we'll know who it was. swt..

Most of the activity are talks and topic about our Malaysian culture. Freedom, Laws of University Student, Racial problem and we get to visit places with hot issues. Did you know there is a refugee village next to Time Square and Sungei Wang!?? I bet you dint know. I was shocked too. I unfortunately visit the 'Siow Bai' school. You know the one about the Chinese primary school being closed unfairly! Maybe I'll post something about that school if anyone is interested. =) Other interesting places include a GAY institution!! DAMN! I dint realize there are going to that place. Miss one hell of a chance as I heard those people going there get a free condom pack and the girls were teach how to properly wear a condom!!

One of the BEST activity during the camp was the detective game. OH MY GOD. It starts off with a simple game were everyone interact with each other. We were inside a hall at that time. We dint know anything at all when they suddenly turn off the lights and lock the door. Then, a story were told. The story was about someone burned the whole school down. Later, clues were scattered inside the room. Later we have to solve it and we were given a map of that college where the camp where held. We need to locate the place and solve the clue given to find who is the culprit. The gamemaster were scattered around the school and were give a character to act. I love a scene where there is a Ju-on girl who scare the shit out of those girls even though we knew she was acting. Lolz. NICe effect and makeup! Then we need to ask those actors questions and get some hints from them. Not just that. Each group is given a candle and it must be lighted all the time or else we will not be able to get pass some guards. Of course there is a DEVIL who try to blow the candle off. When there is a DEVIL, there will be an ANGEL who will light the candle for us, but we must of course look for the ANGEL. BEST GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED SO FAR!

For those station games, I expect myself to be wet! but in the end, everyone end up so damn dry! sigh. If only I was the one of those gamemaster! what a waste!! During station games is the BEST time to have fun with those girls... ok and guys. =p

Oh my god! Everyone likes to take picture!! On the Final day, everyone was so SS ( shock sendiri ). sigh.. take photo here and take photo there.. I'm not a picture guy so.. but anyway, its the last day so I'll just have some memories with them. =)

I met a lot of interesting, smart and intelligent people. There is a particularly group of guys from
MMU. They rocks man. Craazy bunch of guys with brotherhood style. It reminds me of my gang here with
me although our bond were much more stronger and crazzzzier!!! Its damn true! =D

I take this opportunity to wish all my group members, new friends that i met and all those committee thanks and best of luck to you all! cheers~

Something about blogging..

I've been thinking about blogging.. I used to love reading blog especially those with great sense of humor and of course with some of profanities. lolz. I dunno, maybe its just me. =p

Now, i think blogging is quite fun as you can share your thoughts and let everyone enjoy your babbling.. that is if any.. xD

So now that I started blogging, thoughts like will anyone find out about my blog? what will they think about my blog? will my blog be enjoyable for everyone or will they curse me for my stupid posts! haha. i guess these thoughts goes through to anyone that has ever blog huh?

ok ok! This post sucks! I will soon blog something smart and interesting. I'm currently drafting one. =)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My First Post !

This has to be one of the historic moment for me. My first blog post! lolz.. I've read so much about blogging and yet I have no interest in them. But now here I am, staring at my own blog space, writing my first ever blog post! can you imagine that? Oops, guess you guys cant imagine that 'cuz you barely know me. lolz

Something about this blog for the reader! something like a ReadMe.txt :
- I'm a cheerful guy so you will see plenty of lolz, haha, hehz stuffs so don't complain.
- I'm quite bad at english grammar but I'm trying to improve. so don't complain.
- I don't blog often, only blog when I want to, so don't complain.
- My blog may contain profanities! so don't complain.
- My blog may bore you to death, so don't complain.

(so don't complain! =p)