Monday, December 15, 2008

MyLDS 08 : Youthshakers - Shaking today, Shaping tomorrow

MyLDS 08' : Youth Shakers just finished!! What can I say about this event? Hmmm..


xD OK OK.. maybe I hype a little bit but it was certainly a one time experience you cannot forget. There are some OMFGBBQ Godly moments you will always remember and smiles when you think about it in the future as what I am doing right now =]

The excitement and atmosphere were very high on the very first day until the last day and it was really something to shout or rather shake about. lolz. I really learn a lot from the planning and management part. I think it somehow manage to change abit of myself and the way I think. haha.. Is it a good change or a bad change? well we'll just have to wait and see i guess.

Oh if anyone wondering what I was wearing for Chic & Mod... tada..

Thank you!! Yee Khai for lending me your shirt and the cot.. Love it.. haha.. it does not fit the theme.. but who cares as long as it looks nice n glamor.. hehz

Seriously there are alot of moments that I love to talk about.. just don't know which to blog about.. sigh sometimes too much is not a good thing too. HA my expectation!!

1. Meet 100 new friends *beeeepp FAIL* (I think I only manage to know around 10 new friends.. sigh)
2. Hyperactive *beeeeeeepppp Major FAIL* (sigh this is the part I always struggle about.. that is why I fail no 1.. DAMN WTF WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME???)
3. Learn something new *Triingg PASS* ( I somehow can see a bit of myself in the future ;) )

The best moment of MyLDS was certainly the RACE08' when LC UTM was announce the TOPGUN during Fadli's year. IT was the moment of the year! It was a touchy, excited and happy and fulfillment and joy and etc etc * insert all sort of happy things here *.. sigh very hard to describe the feeling.. I really salute those guys *salute* except that time I was having a hard time adjusting my feeling. I was happy, excited, sad and disappointing at the time.. lolz. cant really describe it.. internal conflict that when I have the time I will tell you guys le. =]

The funniest moment - Its the host(nick) for the night activity *waaaa "slap"* game.. haha ( I forgot the name ). It was a LAUGH OUT LOUD even though it was a bit cruel. >.>

I like to tell it in person le so anyone still want to know more about the experience then ask me in person when you see me la. maybe i'll write more in the future when I remember something really cool. =]

So some of those guys don't know what am I talking about or what is MyLDS or RACE? Well it all comes to the organization called AIESEC. If you want to know more about it then feel free to message me or drop me a comment. =]

Oh and I take this opportunity to thanks you GUYS from the MNC especially my own LC UTM EB!! who else? erm if you think you're that person then yeah.. thank you! xD